• Products Overview
  • JAGUAR7000
  • JAGUAR6000
  • JAGUAR5000
  • ARA-TS Plus
  • ARA-TS
  • Optimized for Cache Service with ARA's Proprietary and Customized O/S
  • Best Performance Proven by Numerous Benchmark Testing
  • MCT & WCOS Technology enabling World's Highest Performance
JAGUAR5000 provides 10Gbps cache performance based on optimized ARA's O/S. Our product which is built on following technologies has been deployed in many different environments and proven in the market as world's best performance cache through a host of benchmark testing.

MCT (Minimal Context Thread system)

JAGUAR5000's core technology called MCT is a scheduling technology combines a thread system and asynchronous scheduling. This context switching technology prevents most of overhead and allows SMP(Symmetric Multi-Processing) which can speed up processing significantly according to the number of CPU core.

WCOS (Web Cache Object Storage)
JAGUAR5000 is built upon ARA's proprietary file system called WCOS in order to store and manage web object more efficiently, which can minimize disk I/O bottleneck and provide unbeatable data transmission performance. It also maximizes RAM usage while minimizing disk I/O to enhance processing speed with no delay for small web object and frequent transaction in CDN environment.
Product Type
JAGUAR5000 is available in either a standalone software or complete hardware appliance to match customer requirements.
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